Thursday, December 3, 2015

Pocketwizard Plus X

1. How many PocketWizards do you need to fire a flash remotely?


2. How does a PocketWizard transmit a signal?

its a radio singal

3. How many channels are available on a PlusX transmitter?

10 channels

4. How can you tell if a signal has been sent or received?

It flash

5. What do you need to remotely trigger your camera to take a photo?

A Plus X

Monday, November 9, 2015

Motion Preview

1. The slower the shutter speed, the more movement in your subject
2. A person running, ball rolling
3. To have some control in this area
4. Small aperture, Decrease you ISO
5. Neutral destiny filter

7. Keeping the photo as still in the frame 
8. Allows you to take many shots in the direction you are panning 
9.focus to keep the subject as sharp as possible
10. No more switching you lens to manual focus, No more refocusing   

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Stock photography and Legal issues

1. Is a legal release  typically sign by a subject of a photographer
2. its a way to search up photos
3. Because its not your logos or or name brand
4. So you can have a lot of photos

5. like royalty free images because its a bargain
6. it can affect the image of what you buy

Monday, October 5, 2015


JPEG Advantages

- is suitable for printing or sharing and posting on web
- Higher in contrast
- Sharper


- Has limited editing options

Raw Advantages

-  at least 8 bits per color
- higher in dynamic range 

- Lower in contrast 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Sunny 16

Shot 1
 Lighting pattern: Front lighting sunny 16
Lighting conditions: Sunny
f/stop: 16
Shutter speed: 1/ 125

Shot 2
Lighting pattern: Front lighting exposure 1
lighting conditions: sunny
Shutter speed:1/250
 Shot 3
Lighting Pattern: Front lighting exposure 1
Lighting conditions: Sunny
ISO: 100
f/stop: 11
Shutter speed: 1/250

 Shot 4
Lighting Pattern: Front lighting exposure 2
Lighting conditions: Sunny
ISO: 100
f/stop :22
Shutter speed: 1/60

Shot 5
Lighting Pattern: Front lighting meter
Lighting conditions: sunny
ISO: 100
f/stop: 18
shutter speed: 1/60
 Shot 6
Lighting pattern: Side lighting sunny 16
Lighting conditions: mostly sunny
shutter speed:1/125

 Shot 7
Lighting pattern: Side lighting exposure 1
Lighting conditions: mostly sunny
ISO: 100
shutter speed:1/250

 Shot 8
Lighting pattern: Side lighting exposure 2
Lighting conditions: mostly sunny
ISO: 100
f/stop: 22
shutter speed: 1/60

Shot 9
Lighting pattern: Side lighting meter
Lighting conditions: mostly sunny
ISO: 100
shutter speed: 1/16

Shot 10
Lighting pattern: back lighting sunny
Lighting conditions: mostly sunny
ISO: 100
shutter speed: 1/125

 Shot 11
Lighting pattern: back lighting exposure 1
Lighting conditions: mostly sunny
ISO: 100
f/stop: 11
shutter speed:  1/250

 Shot 12
Lighting pattern: back lighting exposure 2
Lighting conditions: mostly sunny
f/stop: 22
shutter speed: 1/60

 Shot 13
Lighting pattern: back lighting meter
lighting conditions: shade
ISO: 100
f/stop: 11
shutter speed: 1/60

 Shot 14
Lighting pattern: dark shade sunny 16
Lighting conditions: shade
ISO: 400
f/stop: 16
shutter speed: 1/125

 Shot 15
Lighting pattern: dark shade exposure 1
lighting conditions: shade
shutter speed: 1/250
Shot 16
Lighting pattern:dark shade exposure 2
Lighting conditions: shade
ISO: 400
f/stop: 22
shutter speed: 1/60

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Aperture, ISO, Shutter Speed Notes

Fundamental Of Photography

The Trinity Of Photography

Aperture is an opening

The bigger the F number the smaller the opening.

The smaller the F number the bigger the opening.

The bigger the opening the blurrier the background appears.

The smaller the opening, the sharper the focus in the background

Aperture controls the amount of depth of field

Shutter Speed:

Shutter is like a curtain that opens and closes

To stop the motion of somebody walking, the minimum shutter speed is 1/150

To stop motion of somebody running, the minimum shutter speed

Shutter speed controls the amount of motion blur in a photo


ISO is a setting for your camera's sensitivity of light.

ISO adjusts the sensor in the camera that detects image.

Rule of Thumb: use a low ISO when there is a lot of light

when shooting with fast shutter speed, you will have to increase ISO if photo come out too dark.

when shooting at night, you will have to increase ISO for the sensor to pick up more light.

Friday, September 11, 2015


Leading Lines


                                                                          View Point

Monday, August 31, 2015

Composition Reveiw

Leading Lines 

          Rule of Thirds                  



Rule Of  Thirds 




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