Friday, April 15, 2016

Photojournalism Preview

2) The photographer had to ask the people if they can photograph the way they live everyday 

3)  Start some casual conversations with those attending the event. Apply the knowledge you gain and try to capture the emotions of the event in your compositions.
4) Instead of shooting back-of-the-head shots, try to get at least one face in your shot and use that face as your focal point.
5) A photo essay is very simply a collection of images that are placed in a specific order to tell the progression of events, emotions, and concepts.
6) In order to bring your photos essays images to life is to Find a Topic, Do Your Research, and Find the '' Real Story''  

Monday, March 21, 2016

Family Preview

1. Whose family will you photograph?

mom, sisters, brother

2. Where will you shoot?


3. What type of lighting will you use?

outside light

4. What equipment will you need?


5. What challenges will you encounter?

getting them to listen

6. How will you deal with these challenges?

Friday, February 19, 2016

Smug Mug Preview

1. Content Blocks
How do you add Content Blocks to your site?
  Add a content block to any page, drag it from the Customize drawer and drop it onto your page

2. Content Types
What are the eight different types of content you can add?
   Galleries, Photos, Navigation, Video, Design, Text, Social, Discovery

3. Photos
When you add photos to SmugMug, which are the FOUR different ways you can organize and display them?
  Single Photo: Add a block that contains a single image to any page, gallery, or folder.
  Multiple Photos: Add a block that contains more than one image to any page, gallery, or folder.(Note: If you select the "Photos I Choose" option, photos will appear in the order you select them.To change the order, you'll need to change the setting to "Selected" and then deselect and reselect as    needed to reorder the images.)
   Slideshow: Add a slideshow to any page, gallery, or folder.
   Carousel: Add a photo carousel to any page, gallery, or folder.

4. Navigation
What are the THREE different types of Navigation items you can add to your SmugMug account?
   Menu: Build a navigation bar with links to other pages on your site, as well as to any external sites you'd like your viewers to visit (e.g., a blog).
​   Breadcrumb: Add a breadcrumb to reveal the links between your homepage and the page being viewed.
   Featured Events (Pro): Feature an event on any page you create.

5. Design Elements
What are the THREE kinds of design elements can you add? What do they do?
   Logo: Include your logo anywhere on your SmugMug site to brand your pages.
   Separator: Add page separators to your site to help guide viewers' eyes.
   Spacer: Add spacing between content blocks to give your content more breathing room.

Landscape Preview

Tip 1- If a river or stream flows through the landscape you are shooting, think about the character of it and how to convey that character in the image.

Tip 2- photographing forests presents a different set of challenges. First, think about the character of the forest you want to shoot and the feeling you want to convey in your image. Should it feel dark and brooding, or light and airy

Tip 3- Whether you are shooting toward a forest or shooting from inside it, look for patterns, lines, and other compositional elements you can use. Try both wide and telephoto lenses. A wide lens looking up at the trees will make them soar; a telephoto will compress a row of trunks

Tripod, lenses and camera 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


1. What does HDR stand for?

High Dynamic Range

2. In your own words, explain what makes an HDR photo an HDR photo?

A from of photography that enables you to create a picture with a greater dynamic range

3. What is bracketing?

taking several shots of the same subject using different camera settings.

4. What software can you use to produce an HDR image?

5. When selecting layers, what do you have to be careful about when creating your HDR photos?

6. Save your favorite HDR photo on your blog.

- The park ( Zilker Park )

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Light basics and vocabulary

Butterfly - A nice shadow underneath the nose

Loop - A light that shadows on her side

Rembrandt - the light moves around to the right a single light placement and causes a triangle shadow

Split - The lighting gives you a dramatic split look

Broad and short - bigger potion of your face is light

Fill light - Fill is used to lighten shadows and control Contrast and Lighting Ratios
Key light (main light)

Background light - Reveals the character of the background and helps separate it from the subject

Hair light - limited to the top of the head background light

Shadowless- every angle is evenly light 

Hard light - A relatively small, direct, usually focusable source, with or without lens, that produces strong High-lights and dark shadows

Soft light- Diffused, Bounced, indirect light; the opposite of Hard Light
Grey card

Reflector- Variously shaped "bowls"  that shape and intensify a lamp's Beam

Diffuser- A Translucent material placed in front of a Light to soften Highlights and Shadows, reduce Contrast and increase Beam Angle.

Intensity- The "strength" of the Incident Light

Direction: A loose term for light that is not loose, and does not spill

Intensity: The "strength" of the Incident Light

Color: Color plays a role in affecting viewer's moods and appetites. 

Contrast: The difference between one tone and another or between the darkest and lightest parts of a scene or processed film

Hardness: A relatively small, direct, usually focusable source, with or without lens, that produces strong High-lights and dark shadows

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Flash Photography Basic Concepts

- Every flash photograph is two exposures in one

- Fill flash can be used when subject is backlit or sidelit to eliminate silhouettes or shadows

- Flash exposure is not affected by shutter speed

- Flash illumination is dramatically affected by distance

- Your camera measures ambient light and flash illumination separately

- With automatic flash metering, the flash illumination is measured after the shutter button is pressed, and the flash output is adjusted accordingly

- Every SLR camera with a mechanical shutter box has a maximum flash sync shutter speed

- Harsh lighting, washed out subject and red eye can be eliminated by using diffusers and light bouncing

- It is possible to change the order of when the flash fries using " Rear Curtain Sync "

- Removing the flash from the top of the camera helps eliminate red eye and unflattering shadows
1. Name of Tutorial?

shoot christmas with festive bokeh

2. Save and post an example of the type of photograph this tutorial produces?

3. What equipment do you need? (Make a list. Be specific.) 

camera, black paper, christmas tree, rubber band, lens cap

4. List of important things to do to prepare for shoot? (Make a numbered list.)

Set up your foreground subject and position it and the camera a good distance from the fairy lights in the background

5. List of important tips during shoot. (Make a numbered list.)

If you use AF your DSLR may struggle if the card is in front of the lens; focus without the card, then switch to MF to lock the focus.

6. List of important tips on how to process in Lightroom (or other software) after shoot?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Best 2015 Photos

This picture is a portrait giving a rule of thirds composition